If you are considering setting up a collection of your own or enhancing the one you have why re-invent the wheel or make the same old mistakes. There are lots of sources of information and you can contact a collection for advice. The UKBRCN follow a quality management system which will provide relevant information. Read the UKBRCN Quality Manual for further information.
The World Federation for Culture Collections have published guidelines have been updated in 2010 and are available via the WFCC web site.
WDCM (World Data Center for Microorganisms)
Hawksworth, D.L., Sastramihardja, I., Kokke, R. & Stevenson, R. (1990) Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of Collections of Cultures of Microorganisms. Campinas: World Federation for Culture Collection.
Hawksworth, D.L. & Kirsop, B. (eds) (1988) Living Resources for Biotechnology. UK: Cambridge University Press.
Kirsop, B.E. & Krutzman, C.P. (eds.) (1988). Living Resources for Biotechnology: Yeasts, 234 pp., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Onions, A.H.S. & Smith, D. (1984) Current status of culture preservation and technology. In: Critical problems of Culture Collections (edited by L.R. Batra & T. Iigima). Osaka: Institute of Fermentation Osaka.
Smith, D. (1996). Biodiversity: appropriate conservation techniques and programmes. In: Proceedings, International Biodiversity Seminar ECCO XIV Meeting June 30 - July 4, 1995, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Slovenian National Committee for UNESCO and the National Institute of Chemistry.
Smith, D. & Kolkowski, J. (1996). Fungi In: Preservation and Maintenance of cultures used in Biotechnology and Industry. pp 101-132. USA: Academic Press Inc.
Smith, D., Ryan, M. J., Day, J. G. (eds) (2001) The UK National Culture Collection (UKNCC) Biological Resource: Properties, Maintenance and Management. 382 pp: The UK National Culture Collection (UKNCC).
Stevenson, R.E. & Jong, S.C. (1992) Application of good laboratory practice (GLP) to culture collections of microbial and cell cultures. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 8, 229-235.